The Pentagon has described the first few Guantánamo arrivals as “high-threat illegal aliens” and their detention at the base as “a temporary measure.” But the administration has not released any details proving the men have criminal records or described how officials determined they were a threat.
We said this would happen when the War on Terror started, and back then, it was claimed that it was essential to national security to keep hidden the charges against prisoners. Now that we’re accustomed to that, we can send people there for non-terrorism-related reasons, but still keep those reasons hidden. If they exist at all.
I’ve said this before, but I’m going to keep repeating it:
The point of a university education is not to teach you, it’s to give you a guided tour of your ignorance.
A degree in most fields will not teach to the entire field (a lifetime of study won’t do that either). It will give you enough of an overview of the field that you can learn the bits that are relevant or interesting to you later.
Every individual thing I learned as an undergraduate could now be found online. More than half of it is stuff I wouldn’t have thought to look for.