fari: fast Safari tab browsing

I’ve been hacking on and off for a few years on a little open source side project, fari. It’s a terminal-based utility for the Mac for quickly zipping through the tabs that you’ve got open in Safari.

Recently, I started picking it back up again as I have been meaning to apply some research into getting at Safari’s iCloud Tabs and even Tab Groups.

iCloud Tabs are a way to see — and open locally — any browser tabs that you might have open on another iCloud-enabled device — including an iPhone or iPad. This is nice if you start reading in one place and want to continue somewhere else later, or if you’ve got a machine physically elsewhere and want to get at its tabs. This feature has been around in Safari for a few years.

Safari Tab Groups are a bit newer and are a way to create and manage named groups of tabs that are easily accessible to all of your devices. They’re meant to be more project-based, where you can open a window for a group and work with it, then put it away for another time — on this device or any other.

While I haven’t released it yet, I’ve been hacking on improvements to fari to handle both of these types of cloud-based tabs quickly and efficiently.

Here’s a quick overview video of the features fari has now, as well as how iCloud Tabs are coming:

I’ll likely post here when a new release happens or you can just watch the GitHub project for progress.