This was going to be my programming and professional blog. A place to put technical thoughts, store my references to talks I’ve given and places I’ve traveled, and then pontificate on the tech landscape and the things that I keep learning along the way.
A lot has changed since I last wrote here and I debated writing about it elsewhere, but in truth, I need to write about it in order to move on and to get back to the tech stuff, so it might as well be here.
tl;dr How I 3D printed a Volkswagen hand tool from a 1960 blueprint, realizing a half-century-old vision of locally-made equipment.
These days, I’m building a lot of hardware projects based on the ubiquitous Raspberry Pi mini computer. Especially with the Raspberry Pi Zero W (an even tinier version, with the W
denoting the wifi-capable version), you can have one anywhere and can power it from any USB power source.
I decided this year to make an ornament for our tree. The timing coincided with a creative itch and a business need to actually go through the process of printed circuit board (PCB) design and manufacturing, so I thought I’d make a little tree gadget.