
You might also be interested in a few series that I've written.

How I'm getting things done in 2020

I’ve been using OmniFocus for years. It’s outstanding, but I had found in recent years that my projects and todo lists were becoming overwhelming and needed an overhaul. I was spending too much time trying to figure out what to tackle on my list, constantly feeling anxious about prioritization and about properly teeing myself up to be successful and to get things done.

Project 386 #2: Beeps and RAM and manuals—oh my!

I’m still trying to get the 386 to boot or even show anything on the screen. All it does is beep loudly and continuously no matter what I do (save one thing, but that still doesn’t produce a picture and I doubt the CPU is even coming up in that instance—more below).


No fooling!

I’ve been working on my migration from centralized social media to stuff that I can build, manage, and own myself, and the next step in that process is Twitter-like microposts.