Great post by Maciej—let’s all wear a mask. I started trying out a mask or at least a handkerchief yesterday for some routine stuff like walking the dog, just as a social norming sort of thing. It feels weird, but I especially appreciate the physical reminder about touching your face and getting your tasks done quickly.

Finally made a major update to my projects page! In case you’re wondering what I’ve been up to…
In coordination with the fine folks at PDX Hackerspace, I’ve been working on a 3D printed snap design that, once I got it dialed in, I used to modify the NIH-approved COVID-19 face shield design. This lets it be printed in two halves and easily assembled for those with smaller 3D printers (like me; I have a Lulzbot Mini 2). It’s not approved for official use yet, but I’m working on it!
Portland’s @ctrlhpdx Hackerspace is 3D printing face shields for emergency workers during the #coronavirus outbreak! You can help fund them! Click the support button to send them $3!
— ✨ Case (@caseorganic) April 2, 2020
Testing out some cross-posting functionality per
I’ve got microposts on my site now! This post was created there, and I wrote a bit more about my motivations and how I’m using Twitter and other social media these days on my blog: